Sep 27, 2023

Meal Planning 101: An Introduction

Welcome to my meal planning series!

This is part one and it seems only appropriate to start with the basics and overall introduction of what this series will entail. I want to try my best to show how meal planning can be done in a realistic and simple way so that you can easily plan out a weekly or monthly menu without feeling overwhelmed or uninspired. 

Let's take a look at the main topics I want to touch on today.

  • Weekly vs Monthly Meal Plans
  • Breakfast
  • Lunch
  • Dinner
  • Snacks & Desserts
  • Meal Rotation
  • Budgeting

Weekly vs Monthly Meal Plans
Whether you want to focus on a weekly meal plan or a monthly meal plan will simply come down to your preferences and needs. There may be a time where you switch between both or maybe you stick to one choice. Either way, I will be offering options for both and you can decide which works best for you. I, personally, bounce between both depending upon my family's schedule and any upcoming events.

Breakfast Ideas
The way I have established a better routine with having breakfast daily has been meal prepping basic recipes each week. I plan on focusing mainly on this way of breakfast preparation but I will be offering other options as well, including holiday themed recipes. 

Lunch Ideas
In our home, lunches are 75% leftovers from the previous day's dinners. I will be structuring some simple and quick lunch recipes that I use when leftovers aren't available and also showing how to revamp leftovers.

Dinner Ideas
Dinner time is the star of the show in our home. I make dinner at least six days a week, and try my best to keep a steady rotation of different meals so we don't get bored easily. I also structure my dinners based on a certain protein each day. I plan to share this process, share some much loved recipes, and show how I plan out holiday themed dinners.

Snacks & Desserts
For this category, I feel I rely a lot on convenience so I will be sharing some of my favorite snacks and treats that I pick up from the store. There will be the occasional recipe that I share as well. 

Meal Rotation
As discussed in my dinner ideas section, I want to share how I structure the meal rotation in my household so I can make sure we have our favorite recipes mixed in with enough variety that no one gets bored. I will also show how we structure our meals during a more busy schedule.

I'm sure we are all fully aware of just how expensive groceries have become. I want to show you some tips and tricks I use to help lower my grocery bill, showing you how I make my spreadsheets for budgeting and keeping track of each grocery list. 

If you made it to the end of this introduction, then thank you for reading and I hope this gives some insight into what you can expect from my meal planning series. Make sure to follow me on Instagram to see what posts are coming soon. Click here to follow me!


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